If you’re like most of my friends, family, and clients, you, too, are completely confused by the deafening chatter surrounding the dangers of sugar. How can something that tastes so terrific, seems so benign, and has been a mainstay for treats during holidays, gatherings, and celebrations, suddenly be described as so harmful?
The Power of Plant-Based Eating
Eyes Wide Open: Coping With Insomnia
Emotional Eating During the Coronavirus
Is it any wonder that, especially now, many of us find ourselves mindlessly staring into our refrigerators and pantries, looking for comfort in food? With so many of our normal pleasures and activities on hold, it’s not surprising that food offers such a tempting oasis. After all, no matter what our lives were like before, they have certainly been fundamentally altered. Many of us are lonely, bored, stressed, worried, or a combination thereof. This can become toxic when we’re sheltering in place and food is so easily accessible. The result: Even when we’re not hungry, we often reach for food when we’re looking for comfort.